Image name root (prefix),
starting and ending image and image suffix. The prefix may contain a directory
path. Instead of prefix and suffix, a file name template may be specified
with "#" characters specifying the place of incremental image numbers. Alternatively,
give 2 filenames. In that case -a 2 is implicit unless -s is given.
Sums up images xtal_001.mar1200 to xtal_005.mar1200
and xtal_006.mar1200 to xtal_010.mar1200. The 2 resulting output files are
named xtal_001:005.mar1200 and xtal_006:010.mar1200.
marcombine -a 5 -b 4 xtal_####.mccd
1 10
Sums up images xtal_0001.mccd to xtal_0005.mccd, xtal_0002.mccd to
xtal_0006.mccd, ..., and xtal_0006.mccd to xtal_0010.mccd. The 6 resulting output
files are named xtal_0001:0005.mccd, xtal_0002:0006.mccd, ... and xtal_0006:0010.mccd.
marcombine x_001.mar1200 y_001.mar1200
Sums up images x_001.mar1200 and y_001.mar1200.
The resulting output file is named x_001+y_001.mar1200.
marcombine -s x_001.mar1200
Subtracts images y_001.mar1200 from x_001.mar1200. The resulting
output file is named x_001-y_001.mar1200.